December tends to make us focus on gift giving and getting.  Many of us get so caught up in the frenzy of finding that perfect gift for those we love or want to love us, that I think we forget about the gifts that we can give or are given throughout the year.  Some of these gifts are obvious, but sometimes these gifts are not readily recognizable.

The obvious gifts, though we tend to take them for granted, are our friends and family that take part in our lives.  Health, wealth, and wisdom are more gifts and blessings that are sometimes taken for granted but would be sorely missed.  We usually stop around the holidays to recognize and give thanks for these gifts as we are reminded how truly blessed we really are.  But what about the gifts that we don’t recognize as gifts?  What about the “stuff” that has happened or been brought into our lives that we don’t see as a blessing or a gift…maybe quite the opposite?  Maybe we should look a little closer…

But I lost my job this year….

OK, but do you still have your health?  Can you find any good in the job loss?  Maybe it is an opportunity to do something different?

But my health took a turn for the worse this year….

OK, but is it something that has given you time to stop and appreciate some down time?  Maybe bring your family and friends closer together? Maybe made you slow down to take better care of yourself?

Don’t get me wrong.  I understand that incredible challenges confront us.  But stop to examine the possibilities.

This past year has been rather unique for me and mine.  At first blush, most folks immediately feel sorry or pity our journey. Situations such as major transitions and life-changing events can be rather overwhelming.  But even the “worst” situation has some sort of silver lining or life lesson hidden within it.  Some situations are presented to teach us how to be better people for ourselves and for others.  Some teach us to appreciate what we have no matter how little it may seem to be.  Some help us develop patience and compassion for those that may be suffering – Or to strengthen our commitment, courage, and perseverance.  When we are lucky enough to be aware enough to recognize that what is really going on can be a blessing, then we can truly appreciate the gift for its powerful presence (or should I really say “presents”).

So I hope you can take a minute to really appreciate all the gifts and blessings you have been given this year and always.  And maybe you might consider sharing some of your gifts with others that could use them.  And as a reminder, the greatest gift you have to share is you!  So consider sharing that most precious gift with the world.

Happy Trails and Tally Ho!

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Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
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