Ever feel like your life is like a Runaway Horse?  You are helplessly just barely clinging onto the horse’s neck as he charges in whatever direction he wants to take you?  You close your eyes and hope for the best, as you are too afraid to see the obstacles coming up in your path. All the yelling and shrieking in the world won’t help as you have dropped the reins and your horse has the bit in his mouth!  You pray you can just avoid the major branches and thicket of thorns as your horse races along, uncontrollably, with his own agenda in mind. Your own plans have been thrown aside.   It feels like the best you can hope for is to eventually stop or fall off in one piece.

Yeah, some days are like that.  We get caught up in all the things other folks need from us and we put our own dreams on hold – until time opens up for us and we can easily and comfortably take all the time in the world to do what we want to do….really?  Think that will happen anytime soon?  Well, now you will understand that you don’t have to wait any longer!

Successful Change can seem unattainable and overwhelming when we are facing a major transition or daunting task.  The first step is always “Make a Decision”!  But that doesn’t mean you have to go “Cold Turkey” – All or Nothing …

Taking lots of small steps is much easier to digest than biting off more than you can chew literally and figuratively.  For example – if you want to lose weight, a complete lifestyle change all in one day is not likely to work.  Working to make smaller changes as you progress toward your ultimate outcome will be much easier to live with thus be more sustainable in the long run.  Adding little new ways or goals as you go along, such as weaning yourself off sugar pop, then making lunch your largest meal of the day, then not opening the refrigerator or cupboards after 8 pm, will be more manageable than to follow a whole big set of rules from day one.  I like to call it “Budge-It-ing.”  Budge-It (move forward at least a little bit) everyday.  Now, I understand that to many folks, Budget is a harsh or unpleasant word.  But if you think ‘reframe and refocus’ – budget helps one “Budge-It” – whatever needs to be moved forward towards positive change. Some days you may not feel like you “Budge-It-ed” very much, but if you still stuck to your ways and goals for the day, then you achieved another day of progress.  Sometimes, successful “Budge-It-ing” is just the success of staying on “Budge-It”!

Budge-It-ing can work for so many projects and tasks.  Is there something you have wanted to do but just can’t seem to get it done?  Do you have a book you want to write or a business you want to start?  Maybe you want to pull out an old hobby you used to enjoy?  It all begins with the smallest of steps.  If you want to write, maybe you can stop by an office supply place to pick up a shiny new notebook and the perfect pen, or maybe you start carrying a pen and write on restaurant napkins wherever you go, or maybe you just set your alarm for 10 minutes earlier so you can go sit in front of your computer for just a few moments before you start your day.  The point is, it is the littlest of steps that can get the momentum started.  Change your Inertia – you know – what is at rest tends to stay at rest and what is set into motion tends to stay in motion.

In addition to taking many small steps and adding additional goals as we go along, we can get there faster if we also are “Budge-It-ing” our resources – time and money.  The sooner we can focus all of our energy toward positive outcomes, the sooner we can make forward progress, the sooner we can start seeing real results. And it starts with that little “Budge-It”.

So once you decide you’ve had enough and are ready to get off of the runaway horse, think of just one small step that could help you “Budge-It” and do it.  You will have done the hardest part – the start- and you will be on your way toward success!

Here are 2 great ways to change your inertia and start “Budge-It-ing”:

•  Take advantage of a free confidential coaching session (Contact Janus)

•  Join the Your SuCCess Circle Monthly Membership for SuCCess Program.  It’s so inexpensive and can make such a huge difference in your life!

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Taking Control of Your Life: Making Successful Changes: “Budge-It-ing” vs. Cold Turkey
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