In this uncertain economic time, there is one thing that you can rely on – that tiny spark inside you that lingers – that wish or fantasy in the back of your mind still resides – unfilled dream still waits for you to recognize it. So what are you waiting for?

Yeah, but…the economy is so crazy and unpredictable right now.

Yeah, but…I have a job that barely pays the bills that I need to work harder to keep.

Yeah, but… I have children to transport…

Yeah, but I have a relationship to attend to.

Yeah, but… I have family and friends that need me to take care of things for them.

Time to throw out the “Yeah, Buts”!

Oh, I understand that life is busy – too busy to take time to even breathe sometimes. And , yes, I understand that many demands are made – sometimes unexpectedly – that we must attend to.

Yes, we have families, work, friends in need and responsibilities but what happened to the responsibility to yourself? Are you really going to martyr yourself for the “good” of others?


To get all the love, appreciation and monument raising for you? Really?

Do you really think that is going to happen?

Or do you think that just possibly you might end up frustrated by the lack of adoration you have received for giving away every minute of your whole life just to look back and wonder what else may have been?

Don’t misunderstand me – I think that is great as long as you end up happy and content with your life when you allow yourself to take a “clinical” look at it. By “clinical” I mean to step back – stay unemotional and look at your life like it is someone else’s movie reel. Do you love it? Do you want that?

With this economy, people are complaining that things are so slow – that customers are not seeking their services – that no one is really buying… What might happen if you re frame or refocus your thoughts into positive possibility thinking? Create your own Positive Self-Spin on your circumstances and future. This is the perfect time to consider;

  • taking up hobby that could bring you pleasure as well as take your mind off “things.”
  • thinking of ways to grow your pet passion from a hobby to a little part time business.
  • going back to school part time to study that subject you have always been interested in.
  • whatever!

I propose that now is the perfect time for you to make an appointment with yourself to do a little self-directed day dreaming –  to explore that fantasy – to gently fan the flame – to allow yourself a bit of time to dare to dream.  MAKE THE TIME!! We know that we all squeeze in what we really WANT to do – somehow…

If not now, when?

Cheers to YOUR SuCCess! ~ Janus Moncur The Co-Creative Coach(TM)

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Janus  Moncur – The Co-Creative Coach(TM)- is a Certified Professional Coach  specializing in Career and Success  Strategies.  Janus is the CEO and Founder of Co-Creative Coaching, LLC. She works with individuals as well as groups to define direction, conquer challenges, and navigate transitions on the ride toward re-creating one’s personal and professional success. For more information or a free sample consultation session, please feel free to connect with Janus at

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Is Your Life Passion Driven? Do you Dare to Dream? Really? Time to Throw out the Yeah, Buts!

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