Many of us have deep down dreams of doing something meaningful with our lives.  And many of us have become successful in creating that dream – in bringing it to fruition.  That is wonderful!  But so many more of us don’t have a clue what we want to do or even more tragic – do not allow ourselves to even consider dreaming about what we want out of life.

As I like to say, we are all the Entrepreneurs of our own Lives.

Don’t let your life pass you by.  Unless that happens to be what you really want to do.

For those of us that want to make a difference or have a dream – Fantastic!  So what is your plan to achieve it?  Success is simple – Make a Decision, Take Action, and Enact Commitment.

A crucial part of successful Action is making a plan.

And just like in business, the quickest success is achieved by having a system for progressing forward.  Since you are the entrepreneur of your own life, the same holds true.  The quickest way to succeed is to have a plan and to take action on the plan.

And if you take inspired action, fueled by your dreams, the dreams will manifest more quickly than if you “just do stuff”.

I can remember a time in my life that I thought I had a plan but realized I was merely reacting to everyone else’s plan for me.  On the outside, I am told I looked successful and seemed to have my act together. But I wasn’t happy and did not feel like I was making a difference.  I was making a nice paycheck but had to use almost all of my time doing things I did not really like or feel comfortable with.  I started to become more aware of my desires and decided to follow my passions.  I realized I needed a plan.

Having a plan or a guide to follow creates a trail to follow.

A plan requires clarity about the desired destination and a system to follow to get there.

A plan doesn’t need to be written in stone, but it does work best when it is written out.  It makes the plan exist in a tangible form rather than just effervescent daydreams bubbling up in our heads.  Once you create your plan, you will better understand which tools you will need to implement the plan.

The plan enables you to gather the necessary tools so you can make progress toward your desired destination.

And again, the plan need not be written in stone but should be more of a guide or,  as in business, a manual or handbook, that can be updated as you need to make improved modifications or flex around a challenge.  I prefer to have my plans sorted out into a sectioned three-ring binder.  I have a section of basic information, a section for financial information, a section for groups or networking, a section for tools, and the all important section for planning and goal-setting. 

Your plan need not be perfect or complete before you start to move forward, either.

You will want to revisit and evaluate your plan and may make changes as new ideas or opportunities are presented to you.

All in all – whether you are attempting to lose weight, write a book, or start the business of your dreams – You will grow more quickly and have better focus and success with the creation of your plan!

Tally Ho and Cheers to YOUR Success!

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Have a Goal? So What’s your Plan?
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